Devils Among Us

In the beginning, the firmament lay bare, for there was naught but the void to witness. “Hell is empty,” saith the prophet, for the infernal pits of torment have been abandoned by their denizens. The abyss, once aflame with eternal wrath, now stands desolate, save for the echo of forgotten cries. Yet the heavens weep not, for it is the earth itself that bears the weight of their absence. Lo, the great furnace hath cooled, and its embers now whisper in silence.

Verily, the devils roam free upon this forsaken world, their malignant presence a testament to their liberation from fiery chains. As serpents in the wilderness, they traverse the realm of man, sowing discord and despair. Their voices, once drowned in brimstone’s roar, now rise in cacophony, wrapping the hearts of mortals in serpentine coils. Thus, the semblance of peace is but a veil, and the true torment lies in the soul’s ceaseless turmoil.

Behold, the devils craft their macabre symphony within the sphere of daily life. In the marketplace, they weave deceit with silver tongues, and in the sanctum of the heart, they stoke the fires of treachery. The world’s sanctity, once sacred, is now the theater of their malevolent artistry. As the flame of righteousness flickers, so too does the veil between the holy and the damned grow thin, revealing the abyss that lies beneath.

Thus saith the prophet: the true torment is not of flames but of the mortal coil, where devils masquerade as companions and kings. The realm of men, bereft of divine fire, becomes the stage for their grand deception. The visage of joy and prosperity is but an illusion, for the abyss lies beneath, ever-present and ever-consuming. In this theater of shadows, the devils play their wicked games, and all the world is their stage.

In the final descent, the abyss reveals its true visage—a reflection of the desolate void, mirroring the fallen state of man. The devils are no longer entities confined to the underworld but are etched into the very fabric of existence. Their presence is a perpetual reminder of the darkness that permeates all things, and the grand illusion of safety is shattered. For in this abyss, the devils reign supreme, and the eternal torment is not of hell but of the soul’s own darkness.